Farming for Nature Welcomes Tipperary Dairy Farmer to the Network

The Farming for Nature (FFN) project is delighted to welcome Tipperary farmer, Pat Mulrooney to their growing Ambassador network.

I have used no artificial sprays or nitrogen on my land in over 30 years and I still manage to work a profitable dairy business, says Pat Mulrooney.

Pat Mulrooney is a lifelong farmer who runs an organic dairy farm near Clonmel County Tipperary. Originally a conventional tillage farmer, Pat transitioned to organic in 1987 and now runs a dairy system, milking approximately 90 cows. Pat is a founding member of the organic dairy co-op The Little Milk Company, and approximately 90% of his milk is supplied to this dairy to produce organic Irish cheese. Pat also grows 20 acres of organic oats for Flahavans.

A pioneer in organic dairy farming in Ireland, Pat has used no artificial sprays or nitrogen on his land in over 30 years. Veterinary intervention is used only when absolutely necessary. The farm is managed in the most extensive manner possible while remaining within the parameters of a commercial organic dairy farm.

A nature lover his entire life, Pat has taken numerous actions on his farm to protect and enhance nature on the land. Hedgerows are managed for wildlife and biodiversity. Multispecies mature pastures provide habitat for insects as well as varied diet for his livestock. Areas of meadow and mature woodland also provide a crucial habitat for insects and birds on the land.

Now in its fifth year, Farming For Nature was set up with an aim to source, share and celebrate the stories of farmers across Ireland who manage their land in a way that sustains nature, while providing a livelihood for their family. Pat is part of 2022’s  fifteen ambassadors that come from across Ireland and include beef, sheep, forestry, dairy, horticulture and tillage farmers who manage a wide range of very valuable habitats including species-rich grasslands and heaths, wetlands, woodlands and hedgerows. The Farming For Nature ambassador network is made up of family farms, couples, and both male and female farmers.


FFN is featuring their newly awarded Ambassadors on a monthly basis until late summer 2023. Keep an eye on FFN’s Facebook, Instagram and Twitter platforms to learn more about these wonderful farmers and the valuable work they are doing for nature on their land. FFN will work with these inspiring ambassadors to produce farm videos, podcasts, ‘Ask the Farmer’ sessions, farm walks and more. Go to to learn about this incredible network of Ambassador farmers and to access further information, resources and tips.


The Farming for Nature Awards are sponsored by Bord Bia and supported by a wide range of farming and conservation interests including the Dept of Agriculture, Food and the Marine, the National Parks and Wildlife Service and the National Rural Network.

For more information go here to Pat’s page.




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