Useful links

The links found here offer some guidance on the relevant policy, research and practice dimensions of farming for nature in Ireland, as well as a bibliography of some relevant publications and a list of some useful websites.


See here our links to useful resources including:

Other Useful Resources

  • The All Ireland Pollinator Plan has a number of brilliant videos and guidelines on how to help farmers improve their land for pollinators.  See here 
  • Bride Project Farm Habitat Management Guidelines Booklet here.
  • Farm Wildlife UK have identified the 6 most important areas for restoring wildlife on a farm: existing habitats, field boundaries, wet features, flower-rich habitats, seed-rich habitats and farmed areas.  They give advice to farmers on each of these areas depending on the type of land it is and what the farmer aspires to achieve.  See here
  • RSPB (in England) have put together a series of advice pieces on how to manage habitats for wildlife on your farm, from margins, banks and headlands to meadows, scrub land and buildings.  Whilst it is more applicable to the UK farmer, much of the habitats and species are the same in Ireland.  See here
  • The RISE Foundation report gives basic practices for sustainable soil management.  Read here.
  • The CAP4Nature website explains six principles put together by Irish agri-ecologists backed up with evidence-based examples that include a comparative note on how intensive agriculture and conservation agriculture differ in their impact on biodiversity.  An great resource for reviewing what is possible on your land for nature and the evidence behind it.  See here
  • The Results Based Agri-environmental Programme Network gives examples of numerous schemes across Europe.  Central to all of these projects is engaging the knowledge of farmers in managing their land in a way that helps to improve biodiversity delivery as well as other environmental outcomes on the ground alongside their other agricultural activities.  See here
  • The Results Based Agri-Environmental European project explored the results-based method of delivering payments is that the amount of money paid to the farmer, reflects the quality of wildlife (biodiversity) that is delivered on their farmed land.  RBAPs Best Practice Management Guidelines
  • Teagasc’s ‘Farming for Nature: the role of results-based payments’ is an edited book that collates several Irish experiences of developing and applying results-based approaches for the conservation of farmland biodiversity. The book is available to download as a pdf (~13 MB) Farming for Nature: the Role of Results-Based Payments.
  • The Burren Programme produced a paper on the Socio economic benefits of the Burren Programme (2020)
  • European Forum on Nature Conservation and Pastoralism and IT Sligo developed the basis of an outcome-based agri-environment programme which can be used by policy makers to support HNV farmland.  Report to download here.
  • Net Zero Carbon in the UK Farming Sector: A Practical Guide is a document published by Nature Friendly Farming Network (UK) on what farmers, policy makers and the public can do to work more towards net zero carbon in the farming sector here.

Other Useful Farming for Nature Websites

Agricology aims to share practical information about sustainable farming based on agroecological principles.

BASE Ireland is a membership farming organisation that support farmers on their biological farming journey.

Bat Conservation Ireland has drawn up some guidelines for encouraging bats to farmland using bat boxes here.

Birdwatch Ireland has information and advice for conservation some of the vulnerable farmland birds here

Climate Change Advisory Council are working on climate change mitigation and the agriculture and land use sector.  See paper here. Or go to general website here

Dung Beetles For Farmers For more information on farming and dung beetles please go to this website:

European Alliance for Regenerative Agriculture (EARA) The European Alliance for Regenerative Agriculture (EARA) is an independent farmer-led coordination and political advocacy organisation of the movement of regenerative agriculture at the European level.

European Innovation Partnerships (EIPs) The EIP-AGRI projects allow farmers, scientists, advisors all interested in the health of the local agricultural sector and the environment to explore and implement innovative locally-led models to the challenges they face in Ireland.  View all 23 projects here.

Farmer Clusters is a UK initiative that encourages farmers to come together to create a mosaic of habitats for wildlife with advice for specific animals that might be found on farmland.  More information on

Farmers Wildlife Calendar Climate Tracker was set up by the National Biodiversity Data Centre to engage farmers with recording and submitting their farmland species.  More information here.

GLAS Scheme  first opened in Februrary 2015 and is co-funded by the DAFM and the EU. This scheme aims to focus on the rural environment, focusing in particular on the preservation of various habitats and species, mitigating climate change and improving water quality.  This scheme is now closed to further entries.

Hedgerows Ireland provide useful tips and resources on managing hedges and why 

HNV Link Project creates a community of practice and knowledge by linking 10 areas throughout the European Union where HNV farming systems are prevalent. These ‘learning areas’ are used to evaluate innovation examples and gaps relevant to HNV systems.

Invasive Alien Species gives a full species lists and supports on managing invasive alien (non native) species in Ireland.  More information here

Invasive Species Ireland Fieldguide is a full report on the invasive species in Ireland and how to manage them here.

Irish Agroforestry Forum gives good information and training on how to carry out agroforestry.

Irish Bee Conservation Project look at habitat support and education for Irish bees.  More information here.

Irish Peatlands Conservation Council provide a wide range of conservation management and restoration advice for owners of peatland areas here.

Irish Ramsar Wetlands Committee aims to promote the wise use and protection of Irish wetlands.  For news, events and information on the wetlands of Ireland.  View here.

Irish Wildflowers is a great sources of information on identifying different wildflowers that may be throughout your farm.  You can search by colour, month or habitat. View here.

Magnificent Meadows is a partnership between scientists, NGOs and farmers to advice on restoring meadows.  View here.

Native Irish Honey Bee Society encourages farmers to support hives only from the native Irish honey bee.   View here.

Natural Capital Ireland is a group of individuals and organisations are that interested in driving the natural capital agenda in Ireland.  View here.

Nature Friendly Farming UK raises awareness of nature friendly farming, share insights and experience and work together for better policies for food and farming. View here

Pasture For Life is a UK organisation that promotes and supports the environmental and health benefits of pasture fed animals.  View here.

Plantlife UK has a good overview of all habitats, albeit in the UK.  View

Regenerative Farming Ireland  is a nationally-based group focused on supporting this style of farming. View here.

RSPB UK gives a breakdown of why there is a decline in farm birds here.

Social Farming Social Farming provides people who use services with the opportunity for inclusion, to increase self-esteem and to improve health and well-being by taking part in day to day farm activities on a family farm.

Soil Association is a UK based charity that give technical support and advice on developing better practices for soil maintenance and other aspects of organic farming.

Soil Food Web has some great videos explaining how to get good soil nutrients, what good soil structure should look like, weed suppression, avoiding pests and diseases on your crops, encouraging carbon sequestration in soils.  View here.

The CANN Project has lots of information on management of peatlands and wetlands here

The European Forum on Nature Conservation and Pastoralism is a European organisation focusing on the maintenance of low-intensity livestock farming.

The Hen Harrier Project has a series of best practice videos on rotational grazing, pollinator strips and more here.

The National Parks and Wildlife Service manages the Irish State’s nature conservation responsibilities. As well as managing the national parks, the activities of the NPWS include the designation and protection of Natural Heritage Areas, Special Areas of Conservation and Special Protection Areas.

The National Rural Network is a membership network for farmers, agricultural advisors, rural communities and others interested in rural development. It provides up-to-date information, case studies, seminars and conferences to maximise the beneficial outcomes of Ireland’s Rural Development Programme 2014-2020 for rural stakeholders.

The Wildlife Trust UK gives a break down of the different species you might see on farmland in the UK.  See here.

Water Friendly Farming is part of the Fresh Water Habitats Trust in the UK.  It is a research demonstration project that aims to find out how successful agri-environment measures can be at protecting freshwater habitats and providing ecosystem services such as clean water and flood protection.  View here.

Wild Farm Alliance is an US based organisation that aims to promote a healthy viable agriculture that helps to protect and restore wild nature.  They have a series of guides that might be useful to the Irish farmer as well.  View here.

Irish Conservation Farming Projects

Allow Project (IRD Duhallow) aims to restore the status of a high-status waterbody in an agricultural catchment (River Allow, Duhallow,
Co. Cork), through a collaborative locally led farmer-focused conservation measures.  View here.

Blackstairs Farming Futures EIP aims to adopt innovative approaches to add value to the Blackstairs hill farming system whilst simultaneously improving habitat condition.  View here.

Caomhnú Aran  (Formerly AranLIFE) seeks to develop best conservation  management practices of local farmers on designated Natura 2000 sites while harnessing local knowledge with scientific expertise of Project partners. 

Corncrake LIFE project is working with farmers and landowners to improve habitat for corncrakes in the Special Protection Area network and surrounding farmland. More information here

Curlew Conservation Programme involves locally based teams of advisors, champions and nest protection officers, working closely with landowners and other local interests, to protect Curlew nesting attempts and to improve habitat quality.  View here.

Danú Farming Group EIP aims to develop a conventional to biological farming transition programme system in an effort to produce food, feed
and forages of high nutritional quality. View here.

Hometree was establish and conserve permanent native woodland in Ireland, encouraging land regeneration and biodiversity through afforestation, restoration and education.

Hen Harrier Project is a results based agricultural programme targeted specifically at farmers with land designated for the protection of breeding Hen Harriers.

Inishowen Upland Farmers Project EIP aims to improve the economic sustainability of farming High Nature Value land in Inishowen through the implementation of a range of innovative measures which also deliver on environmental sustainability by increasing biodiversity, improving water quality and combating climate change.  View here.

Macgillycuddy Reeks Sustainable Agricultural Plan EIP aims to improve the economic viability of farming in the MacGillycuddy Reeks through the development of practical, achievable actions and innovative solutions to address the issues facing farmers on the Reeks.  View here.

Maximising Organic Production Systems (MOPS) EIP aims to optimize organic horticultural production and improve continuity of short supply chains for the national market through the creation of a collaborative cropping system.  View here.

Mulkear EIP aims to support innovation,technology and knowledge transfer for farmer led enhancement of water quality, in-stream habitat and riparian management in the Mulkear Catchment in Counties Limerick and Tipperary.  View here.

North Connemara Locally Led Agri-environmental Scheme EIP aims to ensure the long-term economic viability of hill farming in the Twelve Bens/Maumturks area.  View here.  

Pearl Mussel Project is a locally led EIP whereby local farmers, researchers, and advisors are working together to develop a programme to ensure long term coexistence of farming and freshwater pearl mussel in eight priority catchment areas in the west of Ireland. 

Protecting Farmland Pollinators EIP aims to develop a flexible mechanism that encourages all farmers to make their farm more pollinator friendly in a way that will not impact on productivity.  View here.

Talamhbeo is a membership-led organisation based out of East Galway that aims to create a better food system in Ireland, where all people have access to healthy, nutritious and affordable local food.

The Bride Project is a locally led EIP  that aims to design and implement a results-based approach to conserve, enhance and restore habitats in lowland intensive farmland along the River Bride in Co.Cork and Co.Waterford.

The Burren Programme  started in 2016 with 200 farmers, is a natural progression of the Burren LIFE project from the previous 16 years, continues to work closely with farmers, advisors and the EU, DAFM and NPWS to implement solutions to help manage and protect the Burren.  

The Conservation of Breeding Curlews EIP  aims to prevent further losses to the Irish Curlew population through the protection and enhancement of known Curlew breeding sites in Ireland, and also to educate and compensate farmers and rural dwellers for creating and managing Curlew habitats.  View here

The Ideal HNV Project project identified the distribution and extent of agricultural land of High Nature Value in Ireland. This research was carried out to address important knowledge gaps for policymakers on the national scale distribution of potential HNV farmland. It looks at the typical characteristics of HNV farmland and threats to this type of farmland.

The Kerry LIFE Project aims to implement, in co-operation with farmers and forest owners, a wide range of measures that will enable farming and forestry to be practised, in a way that sustains both the pearl mussel population and the livelihood of the farm and forest enterprises.

The RBAPS Project was a three and a half year project in Ireland and Spain working with farmers and stakeholders developing ways to reward farmers for delivering biodiversity on their lands.

The Wicklow Uplands ‘SUAS’ Project is designed to assist both commonage groups and individual farmers across the Wicklow and Dublin uplands and will ensure the sustainable management of the unique, natural habitats the area is renowned for.

Funding opportunities

NPWS each year bring out a grant scheme to support farmers that wish to build better hedgerows, ponds etc.  This is general announced in February for applications.  More information can be found here


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