NESC Climate and Agriculture Project - Online Workshop for Young Farmers, Women Farmers and Innovative Farmers

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If you are interested in taking part on an online workshop on the topic of Climate and Agriculture and you may just happen to be a young farmer or a woman farmer or an Innovative farmer, please contact me, Tara Haughian on [email protected]

It takes place on Tuesday 8 November from 11am to 1pm. There's more info below.

The National Economic and Social Council (NESC), the body that advises the Taoiseach on key issues, is preparing a comprehensive assessment of agriculture and climate. The report is being supported by a high-level stakeholder group and is due for publication early in 2023. As part of the project, NESC has looked at the broader policy context, including the economic, social and environmental factors. Of particular interest is the low carbon transition for agriculture and the challenges and opportunities this presents within the wider context of land use, forestry and rural development. These are critical in considering what is a just and inclusive transition. Three workshops have already been held across Ireland during October to hear directly from farmers about their experiences of climate transitions.

An additional online workshop is being held for young farmers, women farmers, and farmers who are practising innovation on the farm. The intention is to explore what are the distinct issues, challenges and opportunities you experience in your farming practice as distinct from the predominant profile of a farmer and farm activity.

The workshop will inform the report on Agriculture and Climate Change that is being presented to the Taoiseach early in 2023.

All participants will receive a digital voucher to the value of €25.

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