The Horse’s Mouth Mentor Form

The Horse's Mouth Mentor Recommendations

The form is to be filled out after you have visited your host farm that you are mentoring. We have put in 10 boxes for your observations from the farm and the follow up recommendations. However you may want to focus on less. Just fill in as many as you feel necessary.

Please fill in your recommendation for your host farm here based on your observations on sight. There are 10 recommendation boxes there. Fill in as many as you feel necessary.
Please fill in your brief observation and recommendation going forward for your host farmer here.
Please fill in your brief observation and recommendation going forward for your host farmer here.
Please fill in your brief observation and recommendation going forward for your host farmer here.
Please fill in your brief observation and recommendation going forward for your host farmer here.
Please fill in your brief observation and recommendation going forward for your host farmer here.
Please fill in your brief observation and recommendation going forward for your host farmer here.
Please fill in your brief observation and recommendation going forward for your host farmer here.
Please fill in your brief observation and recommendation going forward for your host farmer here.
Please fill in your brief observation and recommendation going forward for your host farmer here.
Please include any useful links, organisations, or further reading you would recommend to the farmer here.

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