Meet our most recent Ambassador – Fergal Smith

We would like to introduce our most recent Ambassador, Fergal Smith from Moyhill Community Farm. We are delighted to include Fergal in our network of Farming For Nature Ambassadors. These individuals have been chosen in acknowledgement of their long-standing commitment and contribution to farming for nature on their land and in their community

Fergal Smith is the main driver behind Moyhill Community Farm, a regenerative agriculture farm. At the farm they currently manage 66 acre of land with their main enterprise being two no dig market gardens both with roughly 100 x 30m beds in each, and four tunnels.  Their aim is to regenerate soil, so they are bringing more animal enterprises on each year. Currently they have a small flerd of six cows and ten sheep. They run a turkey enterprise for Christmas with 160 birds this year and they have three pigs, which they have been using to clear rough land over the past seven years. They next plan to bring on laying hens, and increase the flerd.  They follow holistic management whereby all their animals are moved on daily or twice daily system.  They are inspired by the Savory Institute, and hope to become a Savory hub in the future.  They have a strong connection to the local community; all their sales are through direct selling models (CSA, market, farm shop, Reko ring, Neighbour food) and local restaurants.  They have planted 26,000 trees on the farm in an agri-forestry system (wind breaks, hedgerows and alleyways).  Outside of regenerating land, education is their other focus; they offer this through internships, open work days, and are building a farm system that needs more employees, as an alternative to being a stand alone farmer.  More information on Moyhill farm here.

Moyhill Community Farm was nominated in 2019 and given the role of ambassador in August 2020.

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