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Hedgerows Ireland: Introduction to Hedge Laying

Introduction to Hedge Laying – Ballyvorisheen West, Co. Cork

Course: Introduction to Hedge Laying
Trainer: Steve Bass
Location: Ballyvorisheen West, Co. Cork

Hedge laying is an ancient skill, involving a rejuvenative process that keeps the hedgerow young and vigorous indefinitely. It is considered the optimum form of management for our native hedgerows and it is hard to overstate its value in preserving habitats for our threatened wildlife.

This one-day introduction programme is aimed at novice hedge layers and those whose skills might be a little rusty!

Training will involve a safety briefing, an introduction to the concept and benefits of hedge laying, and practical demonstrations and practice in the skills of hedge laying on a specially selected hedge, on a working farm.

Tools will be provided, but participants must wear suitable outdoor and protective clothing.

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