Ambassador Q&A with Lisa Gifford

Our next Ask the Farmer Q&A, as part of our Farming for Nature Ambassador Series is with Goat Farmer, Lisa Gifford from Co. Leitrim

This live Q&A with the Farming for Nature project Manager Brigid Barry takes place on Tuesday, June 11 at 8pm.

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Lisa Gifford grew up in the U.S., but her Irish roots brought her back to the land in 2016 and she bought a small farm in County Leitrim which she manages with her daughter Gypsy Gifford and daughter-in-law Richelle South. There is a range of stock on the farm including goats, sheep, pigs and chickens. The main commercial aspect of the farm is milking goats and producing farmhouse goats cheese that is sold at local farmers markets. An old farm building has recently been retrofitted and converted into an on-farm micro-dairy. There are mature hedgerows around the farm and the family are planting trees on the land and in field corners to provide shelter and improve soil structure, as well as creating additional habitat for wildlife.

Read more about Lisa’s farm here

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